This is my second Velo 7. My first one lasted a few years, and the computer itself is still fine, but the sensor, past which the magnet on a spoke passes, started getting stuck, i. e. the switch inside it started to stick and fail to send a signal to the computer with each tire rotation. I didn't figure out the problem until I ordered a whole new Velo 7, or I would have just ordered a new sensor and bracket. The tab in the bracket of my new Velo 7 which clicks the computer into place broke off the second time I removed the computer, but it still stays in the bracket snugly. My used my last Velo 7 for years without it clicking into place and it was never a problem. I like that, unlike wireless cyclocomputers, no battery is needed in the sensor. I also recommend the Velo 7 over the Velo 9 because the Velo 9 has calorie consumption and carbon offset screens which would require more clicking for you to get to the screen you want (unless you actually want such information). It's a reliable cyclocomputer and the battery lasts a long time. If you have to change the battery you can reenter your old mileage reading into it manually. (Save the instructions!)